Navigating the maternity system, considering intervention and how to make all that positive!
Making Decisions
A huge part of making birth positive, isn’t WHAT happens, but HOW. Simply being a part of the decision making process, understanding your options and feeling supported in your decisions can make any experience a positive one. The UK Maternity System can be a difficult thing to navigate, but if you are able to step off the ‘conveyor belt’ of care, and access personalised choices, you are well on the way to an amazing birth! This section will talk you through how to decide what it is you want and how to communicate that with your healthcare team. If you know where you’d like to start, use the search tool below, otherwise get started with the signature articles and work your way through!
Advocating for yourself when accessing health care (of any kind), but particularly maternity care is so important, but often easier said than done.
You might think its strange to bring this up in the context of childbirth, but it’s incredibly important. Hands up if you’ve been told you ‘can’t have a waterbirth because of x, y or z’?
Does the ‘high risk’ label, increase the chances of needing intervention?
How is it in 2019, with everything we know about birth, that labour wards still look like bleak, bright hospital rooms & couldn't be less likely to encourage physiological birth?
A MUST READ for any pregnant mums! It’s all very well and good having an idea of what you’d like your birth to be, but how do you get it?
Induction of Labour
One of the most common decisions women face if whether or not to accept an induction of labour. Be that as a routine offer ‘for dates’ or because of a medical concern for either you or your baby. Using the decision making tools above will help you gather personalised information from your midwife or doctor, and some of the articles below may be useful too! An induction is a serious medical intervention, but in the right circumstances can be a really positive way to give birth, if you just what to ask for!
Hands up anyone who’s been told their baby is ‘too big’ so they ‘have’ to be induced? I want to share a direct quote from the NICE guidelines (that should be followed by all hospitals) to clear this up!
Around 1/3 labours are induced in the UK currently. So this one is SUPER important to read, it could very easily be you!
Have you been offered a ‘stretch and sweep’.. do you actually know what is it, what it involves and what it might mean for your labour and birth?
Got Questions or Need Support?
Our active and supportive Facebook Group is the perfect place to ask any questions, seek out evidence based information and connect with like minded parents to be preparing for a positive birth experience. The Positive Birth Group on Facebook offers information, support and community. PLEASE NOTE no medical advice can be given.
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