Positive Birth Story: IVF pregnancy story

Positive IVF Birth Story

Really delighted to be able to share Clare and Tom’s birth story with you today. After taking a private hypnobirthing course with myself, Clare and Tom felt empowered to ask for the support they needed from their healthcare team to get the birth they so wanted. Some hospitals, including theirs, recommend couples with an IVF pregnancy to give birth on the labour ward, (interestingly, others dont!). After discussing their options and the risks and benefits of each birth place with their healthcare team, Clare and Tom felt supported to opt for a Birth Centre birth! This story demonstrates so beautifully how The Positively Birthing Courses help in ways so much more than just ‘tools to use in labour’. Over to Clare for their story!

A bit delayed but I wanted to drop you a line to say we welcomed a baby boy into the family on the 13th Oct. I also wanted to say a huge thank you for everything you taught us. It made for such a cathartic experience vs our eldest’s birth.

My favourite mantras were “relaxed jaw, relaxed hands” and “I am fearless” and these, along with the ‘soften’ relaxation that I’d recorded myself reading, were what I focused on during the surges. I didn’t fight my body at all. As a result it all happened quickly and we got the birth we were hoping for. 

The consultants at the hospital were wonderful and, although we went against their guidelines, we were supported in our choice to use the midwife led birthing suite. My waters started breaking at 10:30am (in the coffee queue at our health club , thankfully before I’d taken ‘A’ in swimming ). We got home and the surges started as I was making ‘A’ lunch, pretty quickly coming every 3 minutes so we dropped him at a friend’s en route to hospital. His first comment being “mummy made a real mess on the floor”. Gah! Out of the mouths of babes! By the time we were at the birth centre surges were a minute apart and we were taken straight to the suite by 2 glorious midwives. Headphones on I got in the pool and within 55 minutes of arriving he was here. Utterly amazing! And a whopping 8lbs9oz!  Such a calm entrance into the world and such a special experience for Tom and I. #totallysmashedit

Thank you so much again. There is no way I’d have had the confidence or self belief to do it had we not done your course. Please let me know if there is anywhere I can leave a glowing review that might help you and your business. 


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