Positive Birth Story: Induction after Waters had broken

Positive Hypnobirthing Induction

When your waters break and your don’t go into labour (Premature Rupture of Membranes)

I had my birth plan all mapped out in front of me ready for when the day finally came. But unfortunately my waters broke and nothing happened. All day I thought I’d get some sort of feeling of knowing I was in labour, but nope. After being checked by midwives they sent me home for the night and gave me tips on how to speed it up.. anyway fast forward 24 hours we were going into labour ward to be induced by the hormone drip which I knew was our last option.. suddenly I felt like my whole plan had gone out the window and I had no control over my body. But as they put the IV in my hand, I stared up at the roof and I told myself that I am still in control.

Deciding whether or not to have an epidural

My midwife (who was amazing) suggested having an epidural as it was going to be a long hard labour. But I politely said no. I wanted to feel everything and let my body tell me when it was time to push. And I did, I was induced at 11.20am and my little girl was born at 1.51pm.

No pain relief or anything. I listened to my body and I told myself that every single pain and ache I was feeling was my body telling me I’m this much closer to holding my baby.. our bodies go through an extraordinarily amount of change and pain. And although I have scars and lumps and bumps all over my body, I’m still very proud of myself and my body.

Your birthing plan may not happen how you would like it too, but always know that you are still in control.

Over everything. Ask as many questions as you want! Ask what that does and this does because you are entitled to feel comfortable and safe in an environment your unfamiliar with. It honestly helped me with my labour. And I would do it again!!

Thankyou so so much to Corina for sharing her story.

If you want your positive birth to become a reality, why not join us for an in person hypnobirthing and antenatal course in Surrey or London. Further afield? Check out our Online Hypnobirthin course!


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