Positive Birth Story: #birthedonlockdown Homebirth of First Baby

Positive Birth Story, Home Birth of First Baby on Lockdown

At the time of positing, we are currently on lock down as the COVID-19 Pandemic sweeps the world. This has meant we have seen some changes to the way our maternity systems are operating, and natural it’s left lots of women feeling a little anxious and unsure of what to expect. But here’s the thing, the way we give birth still works in exactly the same way! And the opportunity for truly positive birth experiences is still there.

Our new campaign #birthedonlockdown aims to share these stories with you so you go forward into your birth feeling reassured, confident and ready to have the positive experience you deserve.

Over to Madison for her story…

Last minute Home Birth Plans

I gave birth to my son on March 27 at 2:45pm.

At the time things were just starting to get serious with the Covid-19. At almost 39 weeks pregnant we decided last minute to switch from a hospital birth to a home birth as I was worried about having to enter the emergency side of the hospital and possibly be exposed as there was already a confirmed case of covid in the hospital we were planning on birthing at.

Thankfully I was with the local midwives and was able to make this last minute switch. Unfortunately my area does not have any birthing centres. I had taken the birth-ed Online Hypnobirthing Course and felt confident that I could handle a home birth.

I went into labour around 10 o’clock on the 25th of March.  I slept through the night restlessly. The next morning I was still having contractions but the pain was manageable. So I made waffles to distract myself. I tried to nap on and off throughout the day while I could still handle the pain.  By that evening the contractions had ramped up and I was going in and out of the shower and getting my husband  to massage my back.

At around 10 or 11pm I called the midwife to be checked to see how far along I was. At the time I was only 2 to 3cm dilated. At this point the contractions were very painful. I began using a tens machine and was attempting to sleep between contractions as I hadn’t slept much the past night. At around 2am we called the midwife back. I was still only 3cm dilated  but my  cervix  was paper thin and she believed I would be in active labour very soon. I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t feeling discouraged. I’d been labouring for almost 30 hours and still had a long way to go. My husband was a great support at this time. He kept reminding how amazing I was doing and that every step brought us closer to meeting our son.

At around 5am we called the midwife again for the 3rd time and I was officially in active labour. Around this point I curled up on my bed and went into a kind of trance. I really had no concept of time. I would sleep for the min or 2 between contractions, would breath when the contraction came and then go back to sleep.

A couple of hours later I felt the strong urge of having to poop and with each contraction felt the need to push. My husband tells me I pushed for about an hour and forty minutes before our son was born. He was a whopping 9lbs and 7oz. I tore slightly but this was only because he decided to have his hand under his chin.

Looking back I can’t believe I did that and accredit a lot to the birth-ed online course. I’m so glad I was able to have a home birth and make the best of this crazy situation! 

Are you ready to prepare for a positive birth like Madison? Why not join us for the birth-ed® Online Hypnobirthing & Antenatal course like she did!


Positive Birth Story: #birthedonlockdown Positive instrumental birth


Positive Birth Story: #birthedonlockdown VBAC