The Birth-ed Podcast is BACK with Dr Sara Wickham

The UK Leading Pregnancy and Birth Podcast is BACK for Season 3

I am SO excited that today the first TWO episodes of the birth-ed podcast have been released!

Episode 1: Induction of Labour with Dr Sara Wickham

When I decided to start a podcast WAY back in 2019, I drew a vision board of what I wanted it to be. 'Wouldn't it be amazing if we could get Dr Sara Wickham on?' I thought to myself.

If you don't know, Sara is essentially the world leading expert in Induction of Labour (amongst MANY other things) and specialises particularly in diving DEEP into research and breaking it down in a way that makes it incredibly easy for both healthcare providers and families to understand and use to shape their choices. Well, I am excited to share that I finally got to spend a few hours in Sara's wonderful company, pick her brains and bring you what is probably the most important episode of the podcast to date: all things 'Induction of Labour'. 

In this week's episode we chat about:

- The landscape of maternity care and the ever growing list of reasons for induction.
- Why we should approach decisions around induction with care.
- The risks vs benefits of Induction of Labour.
- How to navigate decision making, evidence and work out whether your induction is warranted.
- How to advocate for yourself once your decision has been made.

This episode is worth listening to MUCH earlier on in pregnancy if you can, then hit 'save' and come back to it again if (probably 'when') you are facing a decision around induction of labour.

So, set aside an hour, grab a pen and paper if you can, and enjoy!


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