Supported VBAC after premature birth & NICU stay

Sophie shares her experience of using the birth-ed hypnobirthing course to prepare for her VBAC following a premature caesarean birth and NICU stay. A great read for anyone navigating making choices after a difficult first birth experience.

”I bought Birth Ed course quite early on some would say at 15 weeks and I had completed it by 17 weeks. My first baby was a c.section at 30 weeks. My waters broke at 29+ 4 I had a wild 3 days and then a c.section was done as I wasn’t able to birth vaginally due to placenta previa. We spent 6 weeks in nicu and my whole experience was far from what I’d expected.

Fast forward 17 months and I was pregnant again and every ounce wanted a vbac and a positive experience. So I purchased the course and got to work. After completing it I decided to change hospitals to the one 10minutes down the road to one 35minutes away as they were more supportive of my requests. I wanted a hands off delivery in the midwife led unit with a pool without CTG monitoring. After a discussion with the consultant midwife at 25 weeks this was all signed off and agreed and I couldn’t have been happier.

Due to going into labour early with my first I had a slight suspicion I wouldn’t make it to 40weeks but also I was open to try anything to potentially help me have a straight forward labour without induction. From 28 weeks I was constantly conscious of my positioning when sitting/lying. I used raspberry leaf capsules form 32 weeks, hand expressed through informed choice from 34 weeks and ate dates from 35. Around 36 weeks I was getting periods of braxton hicks and at my midwife appointment I was told baby was in the optimum position on my left side. YAY!

37+4 I wake at 3 am to a trickle. This felt very similar to a trickle I had when I had a bleed with my son so I rushed to the toilet, no blood. Again a short while after another trickle this time I knew it was waters. I woke my partner told him and he went back to sleep and I stayed wide awake. 9am I had no twinges I washed my hair, had a good shave and went to get my nails done. When I came home my partner took my son out so I could get some rest but my mind was always on the fact of why hadn’t my labour started. I did call the hospital and we headed down for monitoring to which I was greeted by ‘if I hadn’t gone into labour they would want to induce me the following morning’ to which I declined, but agreed to come back for monitoring. I had to speak to a doctor who was a bit blunt at first but once he had realised I’d done research he backed down wished me luck and I went on my way.

That night I had 0 sleep. I asked my partner to sleep downstairs as I couldn’t bare to hear him asleep if I wasn’t. Through the night I had very sporadic twinges but nothing major. 5am a little more frequent so I got up and headed downstairs. My mother in law was comming for 7.30 so we could head back for our monitoring so we got ready and left. By 7.30 they were 3minutes apart but very manageable and I breathed through them. I got to the hospital and headed to triage for my monitoring and at this point they had massively ramped up. Monitoring was all fine and the midwife asked to examine me. This was 9am. At first I had declined but as they had got quiet intense I decided to accept as I didn’t want to do the drive back home. I was 4cm with a very thin cervix. Unfortunately the day I went into labour the midwife led unit was closed so I headed to consultant led ward. This midwife at first thought ‘here’s a typical vbac’ and wanted a cannula  and CTG monitoring Instantly.

I handed her the letter from the consultant midwife agreeing my choices and my birth plan and she respected everything. Drew the curtains and went and sat away from me.

Once in the room around 9.30am my contractions were around every 1.5-2minutes with only around a 45seconds break but again I used a tens machine and breathed through them. They were quite intense by this point and as they were so close with very little break I hardly had a chance to gather myself. I continued for 2hours like this and I remained standing leaning over a bed as this is what felt best. The midwife listened in to baby every 15minutes.

By 11.30 I had a contraction that felt different. My breathing turned to a deep slow whale out and I had a little involuntary pushing. I heard the midwife say that sounds different and I said to her it felt different. This is the point she said I should probably get undressed and I climbed into the bed on all 4s. Contractions never let up. They were intense and constant.

By 12pm my body was pushing and I could feel the baby making their way down. I had a mild panic which I knew was transition saying I couldn’t do this anymore and I was terrified of getting this far and then being taken for a section.

At 12.25 our surprise baby girl came into the world 6lb 4oz and healthy! I done it, I went against medical advice made informed decisions and have a quick straight forward birth with just a tens and breathing.

We had uninterrupted skin to skin for 2 hours I birthed the placenta immediately after I accepted the injection.

I breastfed her as I was being stitched. I had an 2nd degree tear but recovery was miles apart from my section. Her checks were done and we stayed together the whole time.
Something I’m so grateful for after being separated from my son.

The Birth-Ed course was a book of knowledge and pure power and I’d recommend it to anyone it helped beyond belief and gave me confidence in all my choices. The midwife after said I was brave declining what I did as she wouldn’t have but honestly I just really did  believe In myself and knew I was capable.


Vaginal Breech Birth of First Baby


First time mum, quick birth in hospital