The Blog
Positive Birth Stories: A Calm Ventouse Birth
Yep, a positive birth doesnt mean you’ve got to be at home in the bath infront of the Christmas Tree!
Why have a waterbirth? A Look at The Evidence.
Water can be used as a comfort measure during labour, and some women choose to birth their baby in the pool too.
Evidence Based Birth- where to find your info?
Where to gather evidence based information when preparing to make decisions about your birth?
Planned Caesareans: What are they like and what are your options?
Elective caesareans, (where you choose to have one in advance), for whatever reason and the options that may be available to you.
Positive Birth Story: A First Time Mum's Waterbirth
A first time mum tells her experience of a natural hospital water birth.
Optimal or Delayed Cord Clamping, what is it and should you be choosing it for your baby?
Cutting the cord! We’ve often thought about WHO’s going to ‘cut the cord’, but have you given any consideration as to WHEN they’re going to cut it?
10 Ways To Get Your Midwife On Your Team: Tips for hypnobirthing mums
Your midwife can totally transform your birth experience! How do make sure you’re all aiming for the same thing?
Positive Birth Story: Going Overdue
Positive Birth Story from an 'overdue' mum who gave birth after 42 weeks. (TWICE!)
Positive Birth Story: A Wonderful Hypnobirthing Induction
Induction at 38+6 for a first time mum.
Unpicking The Evidence: An Introduction to Research
How do you actually understand research? Where do you find it?