Positive Birth Story: First Time Mum's Home Waterbirth

Last year I worked with Rose (@rosielondoner) and her husband to help them prepare for the beautiful birth of their daughter, Lily Valentine.

“Before I was pregnant I never really understood people sharing their birth stories, photographers in the birth room or people live streaming their most intimate moment (I mean, I’m still not quite there with the last bit, but whatever floats your boat!) It seemed like too much information and to be quite frank, a bit gross.

Then I got pregnant and I devoured these stories. I stayed up late at night gazing into the cold glow of my phone watching birth video after birth video. I would probably have asked every mother I met about their births, but I never needed to. Suddenly you’re part of a club where women are eager to share their own story, their own experience with you. Particularly the scary ones! It’s easy to see why new mothers become so frightened of giving birth when so many of the stories are so stressful….”

positive birth story rosie londoner

You can continue reading Rose’s Positive Birth Story over on here blog… (It truly is one of the most beautiful birth stories I’ve read!)

If you would like to use the birth-ed hypnobirthing tools to prepare for the positive birth of your baby like Rose, you can join me online or for private sessions.


Positive Birth Story: #birthedonlockdown


NEW FREE MODULE: How to Have a Positive Birth During a Pandemic