The Blog

Hypnobirthing Megan Rossiter Hypnobirthing Megan Rossiter

Fight, Flight or Fawn: Why we end up doing things we don't want to

You might have heard of the term ‘fight or flight’. It describes an automatic response in our bodies that happens any time we feel afraid, disturbed, observed or uneasy in some way. In hypnobirthing we talk about it a lot to explain how our labour hormones behave, but it doesn’t go a long way to describe how we behave in birth in 2023. But the ‘fawn' response does!

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Hypnobirthing Megan Rossiter Hypnobirthing Megan Rossiter

Hypnobirthing refresher for you second baby?

I thought I’d take you through what a ‘typical’ one to one hypnobirthing session looks like for families expecting their second babies! I use the word ‘typical’ lightly; as no two sessions ever actually look the same! Usually people attend with their birth partner, but not always.

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5 Biggest Home Birth Myths

Many families using our Hypnobirthing course go on to plan a homebirth.. but occasionally people are discouraged or warned against the ideas using some pretty spectacular myths! These are probably the top 5 most common (but not the only) bits of utter nonsense I've heard about homebirth over the years- has anyone told them to you?

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